Subscriptions 2024: £15.00 for single membership £20.00 for joint membership. PLEASE NOTE: From 1st March 2024 there will be an increase in subscriptions. Members are reminded to contact their bank immediately to amend their standing orders to £15 for single membership or £20 for joint membership payable on 1st March. If paying by bacs some banks software doesn't always recognise the account name corresponding to the account number. If you are sure you have input the correct sort code and account number you should be able to override it. (If you are paying less than the full subscription, you are not a fully paid up member and not eligible to enter events as a member) Note: The reference box on the standing order form must bear your full membership name i.e. your Christian name and Surname. MEMBERSHIP FORM: Click here STANDING ORDER FORM: Click here CLUB RULES : Click here CODE of CONDUCT: Click here NOTE: Annual renewal reminders are not issued. If renewal subscriptions are not received by 30th April each year, by standing order or cheque, then membership lapses, without notice.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR MEMBERSMembership enquirers contact: Hilary Smith 01452 780 142/07971 399 716